my lil ole nan died yesterday morning at 6.45 am, bless her she certainly hung on as we were told she wouldnt make it another day a week ago!, i dont feel sad at all, its soooo strange, like i said on my vox it just feels right and it was her time . i just look back and remember what a lovely nan she was she really did have an amazing life, caused a right old scandal in her day lol when she was 18 she was a private nurse and was looking after a lady til she died, then went and married said ladies widower 6 months later, she was 18 ................................he was 62!!! that was my mums dad, can you imagine the raised eyebrows in those days!, then he died when mum was 6 and she goes and remarries again a year later, more raised eyebrows lol! so heres to Florence May Barnard/Girling/Dade the last one of her clan, ooh she was one of 10 children and one of her brothers had the coolest middle name ever his name was Robert Dearlove, how cool must my greatgrandparents have beeen :0)other news is i have FINALLY pulled my finger out and bought something for the baby! well not much really just added a pack of nappies and cotton woolballs to my asda shop which is coming today :0) suddenly thinking eeek 8 weeks isnt enough time to get ready now! might go up in the loft later today and rummage through bags of teeny pink/blue/neutral vests/babygrows :0) i will add a pack of nappies every week now i think just to keep me stock up, oh and i ordered some muzzies of ebay to keep my stock up as moll still has them as a cuddly at night, so i'm on my way to getting ready!
Bump and names help!
ok heres a piccy of my bump taken at 30 weeks, post christmas so i have a layer of flab hanging over my waistband :0( i was sooooo careful too stayed away from the chocs and cake, just shows that no matter what you will still put the weight on!
baby is now head down and 3/5 engaged and i STILL havnt done a THING! i need a trip up into the loft to rummage :0) but after the clutter of christmas and now only just getting back to normal i am loathe to start bringing stuff down just yet. i know the moses basket is wrapped up well as are allt he sheets, and after i had moll i resorted all the teeny babygrows into neutral/pink/blue bags again good job i am a hoarder of baby stuff, even after this one i will still keep it, just cant bare to get rid of any of it!names, as i am 31 weeks thought we should start thinking about what to call this baby! graham shocked me by saying he now likes Ruby for a girl, hurrah UNTIL nathan sniggered and said it sounded like booby, and graham decided we couldnt do that to a girl just incase in later years she did have massive boobs! what do you think would go??Nathan, Jessica, Molly and.................................................??? please fill in the blank!oh names that cant be used cos they are already taken by family and friends are oliver, charlie, joshua, sam, connor, harrison, isaac, harry,ben, jack, bruce, douglas, fraser, gregor. (loads of boys!) amelia, alanah,lilly,flora,amelie, esme, ellie, ... gosh there really is a girl shortage with family and friends lol!other news is graham has his snip snip tomorrow! i have to go as well and sign a form and meet the doc with him, so clare if you read this it must be differant in other areas, although i think they would still do it regardless the letter does state that they like to meet both parties prior to the treatment. he has to shave his bits later pmsl!! maybe we could do each other (though not a full shave in my case, just a tidy up as i cant really see what i'm doing down there anymore!