marmite queen

Saturday, November 25, 2006

would you like that in a bag?!

awww thanks girls for allowing me to boast :0) can't bare to leave that as the latest post though so need to replace it cos i'm too embaressed to leave it their (gosh i must have soooo many issues on soooo many levels with achievment!)

sooooo, today i have been warn out to a frazzle! me and my pal have been bulk buying kiddies jewellery then hawking round craft fairs etc! we have always done ok, usually taking between 60 and 80 squid each time and its been great! an afternoon childfree, sitting behind a table with a cuppa and a cake :0) today though was our first school christmas fair, omg it was maaaaaaad we took £180.00!(had to pay a tennner for the table though)can you believe that?! and our most expensive item is a bracelet at 1.80 everything else ranges from 25p and we have lots of things at 1.00 mood rings always go well, but we also sold loooooooooooooads of magnetic earings mostly to boys?!! so we were at school from 10-1 and then had to hike it over to a villlage a half hour away for a 2 .00 start where we took another 65.00! , i am knackered though now, this week we have 2 more school fairs and then another tabletop sale on sat. thoroughly reccomend it to anyone! our last one is the 15th dec and then i think i might take maternity leave lol before starting on the spring and summer fairs! just hope we have enough stock to last us! Graham says i am turning into del boy as our garage is full of boxes and envelopes from china (and england too!) we still dont have a proper name for ourselves so any suggestions would be most appreciated :0)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

proud mummy alert :0)

i actually thought twice/three/4 times before posting this and then decided that if i dont big up my kids noone else is going to and sometimes its ok to be proud :0)
2 words............... parents evening! i actually came away from this feeling soooo bad that i underestimated nathan and jess, it was parents evening on tues saw jess's teacher first, now i KNOW she is very happy and has taken to school like a duck to water but i hadnt realised how well, basically they have been testing her (without her knowing) and she is in the top 5 which is great BUT she is in the top five of the children in year 1!! (she has just started reception!) sooo smiles all round from me and graham marveling at how 2 people like us could produce a child that is whizz at all she does then we walked down to the other side of school to the year 2 area where i warned graham that we wouldnt be hearing the same amazing tale about our boy,as i KNOW he is a right dolly daydream! well you could have blown me clean away when we sat there being told that our son has a wonderful mind and his teacher now and the ones before have all said its been a privelidge to teach him,his reading ability is off their scales, (they only go as far as year 6) and he is in the very top percentage for maths, he is also in the gifted and talented programme for literacy and music/arts ( i have no idea what this means though?? was too gobsmacked to ask! she just showed me a list with his name on it ) i honestly felt like crying that i didnt realise how well they are both doing, i was just happy for them to be happy, i knew nathan was good at reading as he has been plodding his way through the harry potters since last year when he was in year 1 but i was like that LOVED reading but that was at the expense of everything else, rubbish at maths and sciences etc and i just assumed they were both like me.

we havnt told them quite how well they are doing at school, just that the teachers were really pleased with them and that we saw their work and were also really pleased, and they were both chuffed to think that everyone is happy with them :0) i just feel sorry for poor molly, the double act she has to follow when she starts school!

soooo, sorry for self indulgent MY KIDS post! just wanted it noted somewhere how very proud i am. :0)

Monday, November 13, 2006

les mis

gone all arty farty today cos yesterday i went to see the local youth theatres (Angel youth theatre company) production of les miserables with my mum and sis (a whole afternoon minus sprogs YAY!!) Ohh it was sooo good, i've always loved it and saw it when i was 18 with my sis and mum and dad for their 25th wedding anniversary, and the tape (and more recently cd) has always been a constant in my collection but i'd forgotton how wonderful it really is :0) naths ears have perked up cos he has heard the song little people sang by the young lad, so now he wants to learn it!, sooo think i will call baby marius, or javert or cosette or maybe eponine lol!! actually baby was wriggling about a fair bit the whole way through so it either hated it or is gonna be another musical loving sprog like nathan!

Friday, November 10, 2006

painting vid!

there is a proper post on my vox thingy, heres the vid of the lovely neat tidy girls!

View this video montage created at One True Media
painting fun!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Heres some pics of my brood all dressed up for trick or treating last night (although no where near as good as kelly's brood!) jess insisted on wearing the ghosty one even though she has a fab witches one, molly is wearing jess's outfit from last year, at least she will have a never endind supply of fancy dress outfits as she grows up! nath is wearing last years outfit too! we only went out to houses i had already arranged to go to and we were home by 6 it was great fun, even graham came along!

oh and i took another pic today of me cleverly hiding my bump away!

no orbs today!! also its lovely and sunny :0)