marmite queen

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


firstly thanks clare ess and michellel (wow hi michelle havnt seen you around in aaaages!) its sooo nice to know people think/worry about me sometimes :0)

ok heres what happened yesterday, we saw the consultant who said the same as you clare :0) and many other positive things, like not backing horses with those odds etc but it still boils down to one thing someone is gonna be the '1' in those figures our options are to do nothing and have faith in the odds, have a detailed scan where they look for soft markers or have an amnio, rightly or wrongly we have gone for the scan to start with if just 1 marker shows thats enough to convince me to go for amnio, i have to wait til i'm further on though so my 20 week anomaly scan had been bought forwards to the 19th oct and they will combine the 2 i always hate the 20 week scan now i'm gonna be terrified! so thats where we are, i keep swinging from of course i'm gonna be fine people have been fine with a lot worse odds than me to omg i just know its me and i'm the 1.


At 6:53 AM, Blogger Bec said...

Your mind must be in termoil at the moment but try not to worry (easier said than done I know). Everything is in your favour at the moment, especially your age etc. Is there any family history?
Hope the next few weeks aren't too long.
Bec x

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Sasha said...

Well can honestly say I know how you feel. And ours was a 1 in 4 chance. And look at Miss Tilly Tippy Toes Rose! Just hell to be where you are now. No matter what I say you will carry on worrying, so just to let you know I am thinking of you heaps and will be raising my glass when all comes back ok! Cos sweetie it will.
Am here for you if you need to off load.
Big kisses my sweet

At 2:00 AM, Blogger Clare said...

Keeping everything crossed, you must be going through hell. For what it's worth, I would have chosen the scan too, I couldn't have forgiven myself if an amnio made me miscarry a healthy little one. But I'm confident you are NOT the one. Please offload any time you need over the next days and weeks.

Thanks for your comment.....I wonder how quickly things are done there in Ipswich? From 1st consultation to op was prob 6 week max, so much for massive waiting lists. Please make sure you have talked and talked and talked xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

At 4:39 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Oh Phil, I'm so sorry to hear you've had this news (on your own as well) & that you've got a 4wk wait for your scan. It's easy to say but try not to worry about it, you'll make bubbs nervous! The odds are really low & I'm sure it's all gonna be just fine, they're just being ultra cautious. Thinking of you loads.

At 5:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(((Phil))) - I have only just seen your message - you poor thing, I bet your so worried. Like the others have said - try and on the 130 rather than the 1. Take care sweetie. xxx

At 5:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Phil, I was posting my comment from work - the anonymous one is me - Becky xx

At 3:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I think you'll be fine Phil, I just have a feeling.

Much love xxxxxxx

At 5:10 AM, Blogger So long, farewell! said...

Just got back and read your posts honey - so sorry you didn't get top tastic results but hang in there, there are so many factors that can give false high risk results.

Won't try to tell you not to worry as of course you will but try to remember the odds are very very low.

love and hugs to you


At 3:15 AM, Blogger Al said...

Hi hun. What a bloody worry for you. Perhaps they should do another head count?!!!! I suggest this as multiple pregnancies throw out bad triple tests and that's usually how most women find out they are having more than one baby. I never had the test done with Daniel and Phil simply because it would have given poor results.

If there is only one I am sure he's perfectly healthy, and I say "He" because only a boy could cause so much worry!


At 2:53 AM, Blogger Nic said...

Fingers crossed for you Phil. I never had the tests done because I knew that we couldn't make a decision if the results were like this. I'm sure everything will be fine and rememeber that people have much worse odds than yours.
I'm thinking about you.

At 1:44 PM, Blogger So long, farewell! said...

Just to say I'm thinking of you darlin and hope you're hanging in there.




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