oh bugger ;0(
i'm sat here now, after just getting of the phone to my m/w, my triple test has come back as high risk :0( i just KNEW it was going to i had them done on tues and i've had a bad feeling about them the whole time, i even said to my friend i bet they wont phone til sunday night cos they wont want to ruin my weekend and there is nothing that can be done til monday. the risk is 1/131 now i know thats not too awful in the scheme of bad results, but its bad enough to warrent an antenatal appointment tomorrow at 8.30 am with a possible amnnio the same day, aggghhhhh, graham isnt even here, hes in a field playing cricket and now i've got to sort something out for the kids getting to school and moll looked after, i have no idea what we are going to do, i dont want an amnio, but i dont want a downs baby either (there i've come out and said it now) fingers crossed for tomorrow pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
sorry for a moaning blog post :0(
(((((((((((((((Phil))))))))))))))) I really, really don't know how I'd feel or what I'd do, I've never had those damn tests but I know that they have scared so many women.
By now you will have been to the hospital, there's nothing I can say or do to help, except that I'm thinking of you. Remember that the risk they have come up with is less than 1%.
Loads of love xxxxxxxxxx
Oh babes I have only just seen your post. I hope the test went ok, you know where we all are if you need us. Sending you all our love. XXX
Fingers crossed for you, let us know how you get and remember that we are all here for you and that blogs are for moaning on (see mine!!!!)
Bec x
Oh babe, Im sorry to hear this. You must be so worried. I'll everything crossed for you my love.
You can say what you bloody like on your own blog! I dont know what I would do.
Thinking of you and sending little cyber hugs xxxxxxxxx
hi there
I am i sudbury,suffolk and also have 1:131 have got my amnio booked this coming monday
scarey stuff,if you want to e-mail me then reply and i will give you my address
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