marmite queen

Saturday, September 02, 2006


thought i would have a go at sharing my fave sound in the world right now!, not sure why its come out soooooooooo dark, but i had to hold camera lcose to doppler incase it didnt pick it up! dunno about you lot but me thinks it sounds train like so that means boy!


At 6:22 AM, Blogger EG said...

Oh wow, that's fabulous!! Brings back so many memories of all my AN visits!

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Clare said...

I couldn't hear it....will have to try again later :-(
BTW, mine also sounds like a train......and is borderline 140ish, hmmmmmm

At 8:42 AM, Blogger So long, farewell! said...

That is fab darlin!

And DH is at the other side of the room and just said 'that's our baby's heartbeat' when I told him it was yours he said 'well, it sounds just like it, we must both be having boys then!'

I am so glad everything went okay at your scan and yup, we were very chuffed at seeing our singing baby :o)

love and hugs


At 7:10 AM, Blogger Nic said...

WOW!! Thats ace. Brings back memories. It sounds like a train to me too.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Bec said...

Sounds just like Jayden's did and he's definately a boy!
Must be so reassuring to be able to check up on your baby at any time.
Hope you are keeping well.
Bec xx

At 1:14 AM, Blogger Sasha said...

Hurrah!!!!!! Have finally been able to watch Moll's birthday montage and listen to Baby Marmite's heartbeat. Scrummy!!!!!!!! Moll looks like she will be a ballerina.......very elegant and graceful!!!!!
Heartbeat is just adorable......they should bottle that sound!!!!!!!
Am so jealous.......mad isn't it??!
Muchest love xxxx

At 12:22 AM, Blogger Sue said...

That sound is THE sound to make me broody! I found listening to the doppler far more moving than even the scan.



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