Thanks gals for all your collected sighs of relief, i felt them here and you blew my washing dry lol! well right now all is well still, i have finally produced a positive test for graham so he could see the line(yet again it was as positive as could be, soooooo blue and thick) and now i have to think about what i want to do in terms of an early scan, ever since the very first mmc i have had a scan at 8 weeks thats with good and bad pregnancys, but to be honest the stress we go through before that is just unbearable, i always sit there asking myself why on earth i've made the scan appointment when i could be happily in a little bubble thinking all is well with bubba for another few weeks, i'm literally terrified of going and waiting for them to say if there is a h/b or the dreaded statement are you sure of your dates? soooo this time i am really thinking about just waiting for a regular scan at 12/14 weeks, i do have a back up plan though to go with this decision! i would still go mad wondering if there was a h/b so i am thinking about hiring a doppler, i did last time with moll cos i got the wobbles with moll between my 8 and 10 week scan and i needed to know she was still there, this way is a perfect way of calming me down and if i can't get a h/b before the scan then at least it wouldnt be a total shock and i would be prepared for them not to find anything.
ok heres some other details of miracle bean!
i think its due around the 7 march so another march baby for me then as nathan is at the end of march
i really don't know how it was concieved! well obviously i know but it shouldn't have happened, heres the gory details! day 4 & 5 of a 29 day cycle no methods of contraception
days 5 -9 withdrawal (sp?!)
days 9-19 condoms (albeit ebay ones lol!)
days 20 + withdrawal and then last couple of days no methods
dont think we actually have sex on every single one of those days mind! god even I would not manage that! so there you go either a pull out day was the culprit or its a dodgy ebay condom! its soooo strange though cos i used to try every month on all possible fertile days and didnt manage to concieve for 14 months and then i lost it, it took 3 years and 3 m/c before i finally fell with nathan, i have definately got more fertile as i have got older!
Hi Phil, glad all is still ok. I don't really know what to say about the early scans, I have to have them now cos of my ep. But it really is nervewracking waiting I know. Depends how strong/brave you are feeling I guess.
This time, I conceived from being naughty on cd6 but I only have a 25 day cycle(ov around cd10). Maybe G dribbled a bit hahaha!!! ;) Those little buggers can live for several days as I have proved!
It was just meant to be! Gawd knows every pgc is a miracle in itself, especially when you've been ttc for ages and then it just 'happens' like that! I didn't go for an early scan this time, but really regret it as I could have saved myself a lot of heartache - but you know well enough hun & if you can find the HB on a doppler then go for it!! I think you can hire them from Boots can't you or would a friendly midwife see you a little earlier & help you out? When can they officially hear it anyway? I know it's not too early but can't remember how many weeks exactly. Annnnnyhoo. Hope you're being well taken care of & that the tea & toast is flowing nicely! Sam x
well i know some people don't trust doppler use and the jury is out over whether its safe or not, but i think the stress i go through weighs up equally against possible damage to a bean. i hired one last time from an agency,for 30.00 and i got molls h/b at 9 weeks, by the time i sent it back at 13 weeks i was feeling her move so i didnt have to rely on a doppler to know she was still alive and well. there is a definate knack to finding it too its reeeeeeally low down much lower than you would think!
Hmmmmm, cannot really offer advice but if I was in your shoes I think I would go for a scan at 8 weeks.....I would just need to know. Would still hire a doppler too so you can keep a ear out until Pickle can move enough for you to feel.
With such strong test results though I am sure all will be well.
Have you told your Mummy? Bet she will be over the moon. (Your Daddy certainly will be and will be sending you big looking after vibes)
Lots of love darling girl and precious bundle
Hi there - hope you don't mind me saying hello but I found your blog through Claire's and just wanted to say Congratulations!
I also know how scary it is going for the scans etc as I've had mc's and mmc's too and just wanted to give you a cyber hug.
Here's to happy, healthy beans for us all!
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