Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Molly Rose 24th Aug 2004 :0)
Not sure if i'll be around tomorrow so thought i should pay homage today!
Molls arrived in the world after a speedy 1 1/2 hour labour, with a dramatic twist at the end when her heart beat plummeted and i had to have a ventouse (completely and utterly without anyform of pain relief and also much to my embarassment no need to be cut!!) she weighed in at 7lb 5 oz and was 51cm long. i cant believe its 2 years already and she is now the same age as jess was when i concieved her!( yes we did the deed on jess 2nd bday lol!)
cant believe how much she has changed, i dont think she anything like resembles her new born pic (she was 9 hours old)
anyhoo HAPPY BIRTHDAY my Molly Marmite :0)
Friday, August 18, 2006
choccie biscuit disaster!
No words really, just look at my darling cherub of a daughter about 10 minutes before we should have gone out! (my fault for giving her the bloomin thing in the first place!
Hmmm! thank god for baby wipes!
no news on scan dates yet, thank god i have my doppler or i would have gone insane by now (no comment!) no bump pics til i have had a scan, actually a bump would be good i'm just plain lardy :0( i always go lardy and then bump out later on sooo disheartening!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Very happy :0)
Ok i was going to post about Nathans God club BBQ but i will save that for another day! just wanted to share, my doppler came and i heard the baby's heartbeat!! can't even put into words how relieved i feel right now. its the bestest ever sound. :0) i feel like i am really pg and not in limbo anymore. omg maybe i really will be giving birth in march eeeeek!!!!!!