marmite queen

Friday, June 30, 2006

naughty boy!

well thanks for the lovely comments folks! God how hot is it going to be over the next few days?! 32 on tues eeeek! anyway back to the title, my son and heir has been a bit of a naughty boy bless him! we let him use the puter and he likes to use google images to type in boring boy things like trains planes level crossings oh and donny osmand lol! this morning i caught the lil bugger giggling and when i glanced over to see, there were pictures of poo! yep he has started typing in "naughty" words, he was on here before i got up so i asked him what else he has been looking at and (bless him for being honest!) said wee, boobies, fart, and dead bodies! eeek he has now been banned from anymore unsupervised early morning puter use! i spose its the equivalent over me giggling over the same words in a dictionary many moons ago! (obviously not dead bodies!)

heres a pic of the cheeky monkey!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

First attempt!

Ooooh sooo exited have FINALLY found the time to get me a blog! i am a mrs living in suffolk.oh ok then my names phil(ippa) i have been with my man for bloomin forever 16 years in august and we have 3 beaut kids nathan 6 jess 4 and lil moll nearly 2. the pic of lil molly was taken just last week on our first family hol to kos! i have loads of pics from there but i wont bore folk with all my pics today lol! the hol was great a whole week of all inclusive luxury with lazy days on the beach and around the pool, ahhh that was the life, i tried to pack the maid that did our room every day (poor poor woman) but for some reason she didnt want to come??? so now i have to get my fresh towels and make my own bed pah!
So thats my first post, now i just have to try and publish it................................................!!

holiday pics

ok then heres me holiday pics, just a few mind!! yep it is me in that pic, that was taken on our last day when we were homeless! had to check out of our room at 6pm and our flight wasn't until 4am! eeek! luckily we were allowed to still use the hotel and our passes til our coach pic up at 1.20 am
the other piccy's are typical family hol snaps, nathan looking proud of himself!, jess after mini club (a cause of much sniggering from us all as that is our word for a lady's bit! obviously minus the club!) moll not sharing crisps! bruv and lil sis making sand stew, and moll modelling the latest poolside fashions! oh and my fave pic of my lil family all 4 of them!.

not sure what on earth is going on with the layout at the mo?!! will try and sort it out another time. i promise no more hol pics!!